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Synchronise all changes between an issue and its copy

With Elements Copy & Sync, any update made to an issue can be automatically synchronized to its copy, or its subtasks, or a linked issue, so that escalated information is always up-to-date.

Keep your Jira issues in sync

Sometimes, new information may come up and unexpected changes can happen. But what if your original issue has already been duplicated several times with what is now outdated or incomplete information?

With Elements Copy & Sync Cloud, you can fully customize how an issue and its copies are synchronized. With a simple configuration, you will be able to select which fields must be synchronized so that, if the original issue is updated after the copy, the new values will be echoed automatically in all the copies.

Synchronize comments, attachments and workflow statuses

In the same way, comments made and attachments added after the copy can also be propagated to every single duplicated issue or subtasks, with no additional action required from the end-users.

Do you have two teams working on different projects? With Copy & Sync, you can also synchronize the status of two Jira issues so that they will always have consistent statuses, no matter if several teams are working on them separately.

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