Connected custom fields settings
How to create connected custom fields
Once at least one data source has been configured in Elements Connect, you can use the Create a Connected field button to create your connected custom fields.
In this case, select “Custom field” and click on the Next button.
Custom field types
In the next screen, you are asked to select a custom field type.
Currently, Elements Connect supports three types of connected custom fields:
Single select list
Users can pick only one value
Unlimited data sets are available (external data sources retrieving more than 1000 options)
Dependencies to other Connect custom fields available
Multi-value select list
Users can pick one or multiple values
Unlimited data sets are available (external data sources retrieving more than 1000 options)
Cannot be a parent for dependencies between fields
Maximum 50 options can be selected
Value is automatically calculated and displayed
Value is not editable
Can be single-value or multiple-values
If multiple-values:
Maximum 55 values displayed
Cannot be a parent for dependencies between fields
We are not stopping here! We want to bring features that matter to you, so if something is missing to achieve your use case, please contact us.
Connection to data source
The final step in the creation of a connected custom field is giving it a name and connecting it to the data source:
The data source can be either a REST API or a database.
How to configure connected custom fields
In the following pages, you will find the full explanation of the options available when configuring connected custom fields in Elements Connect.