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On this page, you will find all the information you need to connect your external database to Jira through Elements Connect.

IP allow list

If your organization has configured some origin restriction on your database, make sure to add our servers IP addresses to your IP allow list:



Supported database types

Elements Connect supports the following databases:


Supported versions

Microsoft Azure SQL Database

Current Microsoft Cloud version

Microsoft SQL Server

  • SQL Server 2022

  • SQL Server 2019

  • SQL Server 2017

  • SQL Server 2016

  • SQL Server 2014

  • SQL Server 2012


  • 5.7

  • 8.0

Oracle Database (Service identification)

  • 21.3

  • 21.1

  • 19.x

  • 18.3

  • 12.1, 12.2


  • 8.2 and higher

Note that connection to MariaDB is possible through the MySQL datasource. However, we will not be able to provide support in the event of connection issues. 

Your database is not supported? 
Please tell us which data source you want to use in Elements Connect.

Databases configuration

Select the data source type

If this is your first use of Elements Connect, you will be ask which data source type you want as a data source from the main landing page. Otherwise, go to the Data Sources page in the top menu.

You have a choice between REST API and Database, choose Database.

Name your database

After selecting to create a database data source , you are asked to fill in some basic information:

Configure your connection

Once the data source has been created, you need to configure it.


  • PostgreSQL

  • MySQL

  • Azure SQL

  • MS SQL Server

  • Oracle


URL or IP where the datasource is hosted

For Microsoft Azure SQL Database, only URL hosts can be used


Connection port number


Name of the database

Not applicable for Oracle databases, please cf


Name of the schema to be connected to

Not present for MySQL databases, as Schema and Database are synonymous in MySQL databases

Not applicable for Oracle databases, please cf


Login used to connect to the database


Password used to connect to the database

(Oracle Database only)

Name of the Oracle Database service

Connection pool size

This property controls the maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections.
Basically, this value will determine the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database backend.
This value must be between 1 and 5. The default value is 3 (when left empty).

Elements Connect allows users to configure database connections according to their specific security requirements. You have the option of establishing a secure (recommended) or non-secure connection, depending on your preferences and the security measures required for your database environment. This is the responsibility of the database administrator. Our app will follow whatever the database specifies when establishing the connection.

Save your data source

Once you have saved your configuration, you can close this screen and you'll see the list of all the data sources you have created: 

You can see a table that summarizes your data sources configurations. You can do a few things:

  • Edit a data source by clicking on its name

  • Delete a data source by clicking on the delete link. You will be asked for confirmation. 


You won't be allowed to delete a data source if it's used in at least one Connected field configuration.

What's next?

Connected fields configuration

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