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Display issues hierarchy in overviews

What is the hierarchy view?

The Display hierarchy option is designed to provide a hierarchical representation of related issues within Jira tickets.

When enabled, users can visualize the relationship between parent and child issues in a structured table format, enhancing clarity and organization in project management workflows.

overview issue hierarchy.png

Hierarchies can be enabled within the Content step of an overview configuration and are only available in “Table” view (refer to Display to learn more about the “Table” and “Card” views).

Available hierarchy levels

This option uses the “Parent link” field and has three levels of hierarchy:

  • Epic

  • Stories

  • Sub-tasks

How to display issue hierarchies

The configuration of hierarchies is done in the Content page of the overview set up in 2 steps:

  1. Navigate to the Content section of the overview.

  2. Enable the “Display Hierarchy” toggle.

overview issue hierarchy configuration.png

By default, only descendants will be displayed. To include both ascendants and descendants, enable the “Rigid Hierarchy” option.

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