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Subtasks creation recipes

What is a "Subtasks creation" recipe?

Elements Copy & Sync recipes can help you automate all kinds of repetitive tasks. In particular, if your process requires the creation of several subtasks at once, each one containing specific information from their parent issue, "Subtasks creation" recipes let you define subtasks templates that can be reused as often as needed.

With this type of recipe, you will be able to easily create up to 25 subtasks at once, each one initialized with the values you need, either static or copied from their parent issue. You will also be able synchronize fields, comments and attachments between the parent issue and its subtasks.


Recipe configuration

In the following pages, you will find an explanation of the many options available when creating subtasks with Elements Copy & Sync.

  • The Source tab allows admins to restrict on which issues a "Subtasks creation" recipe is available. It is configured exactly as the Source settings of a regular Copy & Sync recipe.
  • The Target tab allows admins to define how many subtasks will be created at once by the recipe.
  • The Content tab allows admins to specify how the subtasks' fields, attachments and comments are initialized and synchronized.
  • The Triggers tab allows admins to retrict which users can trigger the recipe. It is configured exactly as the Triggers settings of a regular recipe, except that there is no "Skip creation screen" option and that these recipes cannot be triggered from search results.
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