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Target settings

In the Target configuration tab, you can find the settings that let you define the context of the Confluence pages that will be created by your recipe.

Page context

This section lets you configure where your Confluence pages will be created.
These options restrict the target space and parent page that will be available to a user triggering the recipe from the Jira issue view.

Confluence instance

This subsection indicates the URL of your local Confluence instance, where the pages will be published.


Use this setting to restrict the Confluence space where the pages can be created. This space, and this space only, will be available as a target when the recipe is triggered.

Dynamic spaces

Want more? Learn how to use dynamic spaces and parent pages to create nested pages with the option "Same as primary recipe".

Parent page

Use this setting to select the parent of the pages that will be published by your recipe.

The space and parent page options are mandatory. If you do not configure these options in the recipe, it will not be possible to use it, either manually or with a post-function.

Create a blog post

Blog posts are a different type of Confluence pages organized by publishing dates instead of parent pages. Use this option to create blog posts instead of a classic page within the target Space in Confluence.

Lock / Unlock target

Both the target Space and target Parent page of a recipe can be unlocked, using the button on the right of their respective select list:

  • When a target is unlocked, it means that the end-user will be able to change it when triggering the recipe. Use this to give more freedom to your users.
  • When a target is locked, it means that the end-user will not be able to change it when triggering the recipe. Use this to make sure that your recipe always create new pages in a specific space and under a specific parent page.

When unlocked, the target spaces and parent pages available to the user will strictly follow Confluence permissions. This means that if a user has no permission to see a space or a page, the space and page will not be visible in the Elements Publish user interface, and the user will not be able to publish a new page there.

Publish as draft

Use this option to create your pages as draft in Confluence. When this option is enabled, the created pages will not be publicly visible.

If the page already exists

Use this option to select what to do when a page with a same title and under the same parent page already exists when your recipe is triggered.

Three possible behaviors are available:

  • Don't publish a new page
  • Overwrite the existing page
  • Append to the existing page

Don't publish a new page

This is the default behavior. If a page already exists with the same name and in the same location your recipe is supposed to create a page, nothing will happen, the recipe will not create a new page.

Overwrite the existing page

Use this option to write over a page created beforehand by the recipe. 

When this option is enabled, each time the recipe is run it will check if a page already exists in the same space and with the same parent page and the same page title. If this page exists and if it was created by the same recipe from the same source issue, the whole content of the Confluence page will be overwritten. 

Append to the existing page

Use this option to publish the content defined in your recipe at the bottom of the existing page.

This option can be used with any page in your Confluence instance, including pages not initially created by Elements Publish, as long as the user triggering the recipe has the permission to edit the page in Confluence.

You can learn more about this option in our dedicated tutorial.

Page author

This section lets you configure which Atlassian Cloud user will be the creator of the Confluence pages published by the add-on.

Publish on behalf of

Use this setting to select a user from your instance that will be used to create all the pages published by this recipe.

By default, pages are created by the user who triggers the recipe (either manually or through a post-function). This means that if this user has no permission to publish to Confluence or to access a given space or parent page in Confluence, they will not be able to create a page. By selecting a user with the appropriate permissions with this option, you can make sure that the recipe can always be successfully executed.

Please note that this option does not work when publishing a page through our REST API. In this case, the Actor set up in the settings of the Publish administration is used as the page author.


This section lets you configure how the created page can be monitored by the user who triggers the recipe.

Create link in source issue

Use this setting to create a link between the source issue and the Confluence page.
This link will appear in both the Jira issue and the Confluence page, as would any regular link created between an issue and a page.

Related tutorials

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