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Create an issue picker matching a predefined JQL filter

The need: display only relevant Jira issues in a custom field

You can use an issue picker any time you have to reference another issue in your Jira instance. The issue picker field proposes a "filtered" list of issues to only display relevant items.

Solution: add an issue picker matching a predefined JQL filter

We use Elements Connect to create an issue picker that only lists issues matching a predefined JQL filter.

This field is connected to Jira, a JQL query is executed to populate the option list.

Here, as example, we want to list all issues currently in status "To do" of a specific project named "JIRA".

See this field in action on our demo portal

Configuration guide: how to create a filtered issue picker 

Step 1: connect to the Jira issues datasource

This demo uses the preconfigured Jira Issues (JQL) datasource. As this datasource is already preconfigured in the Elements Connect administration, there is no configuration required and you can use it right away.

Step 2: create Elements Connect fields

The field configuration files from this example are available for download below. You can reuse them by importing them in your Elements Connect administration and adapting the configuration to your needs and your instance specificities (project names, custom fields, etc).

Download the field configuration: 

File Modified

File Issue_picker_export.json

May 31, 2024

Import it in your Elements Connect administration following the step-by-step guide: How to import Elements Connect field configuration files 

Step 3: add the field to your issue screens

Last step is to add this field to the aimed issue screens. 

>> Learn how to add Elements Connect fields to Jira issue screens

Do you want to connect to a remote Jira instance? 

Check out the following demo examples:

Create a remote issue picker

Retrieve projects, components, versions, and more, from a remote Jira instance

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