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Demo use cases: examples of Elements Connect fields set-up

Elements Connect is the go-to app to connect Jira fields to any data source. As such, it's a powerful tool that you can use to accomplish many use cases.

The demo examples you'll find here will help you get up to speed quickly with its configuration. Examples are grouped by categories and provide direct links to download the field configuration so you can try it on your own instance.

(lightbulb) Don't know which use case you should start with?
Use the Search below, or visit the Elements Connect Demo Portal where they are implemented 👍.

Jira / remote Jira

→ Display similar issues in a Jira custom field

→ Create an issue picker matching a predefined JQL filter

→ Connect fields to a remote Jira instance to retrieve projects and more

→ Retrieve issues from a remote Jira instance

→ Add an Group picker on Jira Service Management


→ Get customer data from Salesforce CRM into Jira issues

→ Get customer data from Hubspot into Jira issues

→ Create a Zendesk Sell Leads picker in Jira issues

User Directory

→ Get user information from LDAP into Jira issues

Set user's manager as approver with a LDAP datasource

Product Catalog

→ Build a product catalog browser connected to a REST API

Knowledge Base

→ Suggest relevant Confluence pages from several spaces

→ Suggest knowledge base articles matching user input

Dev & Testing

Create a GitHub repository picker in Jira issues

→ Create a GitHub issue viewer in Jira issues

→ Create a Zendesk Support ticket picker in Jira issues


→ Finance - Exchange rate

→ Translate text - Deepl

→ Confluence - Create a space picker

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