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Search view configuration


Search view 

Available for LIVE FIELDS

By default, Elements Connect uses the Edit view configuration when using an Elements Connect field in a JQL search.

While it works fine in most cases, you might have to set a custom Search configuration.

It's recommended to set a custom search query if:

  • there is a dependency to $issue in the edit query
  • the edit query does not return a full list of options

It is recommended to set a custom search template if

  • HTML is used in the display editor template



<operand 1> <operator> <operand 2>  

  • operand 1 - the Elements Connect field
  • operator - one of: 
    • =
    • !=
    • in
    • not in
    • is not empty
    • is empty
    • ~
    • !~
  • operand 2 - a Elements Connect field value (or a list of Elements Connect field values)
OperatorOperand 2Matches issues ...
=A valid Elements Connect field value...where the field is set to operand 2
!=A valid Elements Connect field value...where the field is not empty and set to a value different than operand 2
inA list of valid Elements Connect field values...where the field is set to a value listed in operand 2
not inA list of valid Elements Connect field values...where the field is not empty and not set to a value listed in operand 2
is emptyX

...where the field has been set but is currently empty

Does not return issues where the field has never been set.

is not emptyX...where the field is not empty
~A string value (free text)

...where the display template generated by the Search query contains the value of the operand 2

Elements Connect generates the display template on the entire result set >> might lead to performance issues

Search contexts


Search can divided in three parts.

Basic search

Simple UX where users can build JQL queries using simple criterion.

Advanced search

More powerful than the basic search, experienced users can build their own JQL query using advanced operators.

Search execution

The execution of the JQL query.

The execution works the same wether the query has been built from the Basic or Advanced search view.

Variables available / context

Depending on the context, some variables might not be available - everything is summarized in the table below.

$issue$userInput$currentCustomfieldValueQuery & Template usedNotes

Basic - Generate list of options

Executed to populate options a Elements Connect fields used in the basic search

(see below)


Basic - Convert selected values to JQL

The basic query builder generates JQL queries.

The conversion of the values selected by users to a JQL query is under the responsibility of the app that provide the field.

This query is used to convert this:

into this:

(see below)


Basic - Generate Issue navigator summary

Used to generate the values displayed in the box from the values selected in the field editor


Issue navigator summary

Advanced - Generate list of options

Used to generate the field options list in advanced mode

(see below)

equals to $userInput


Jira Cache

  • Jira caches results - Elements Connect is never called twice with the same user input during the same session

~ search

The autocomplete on the ~ operator shall is not appropriate.
However, it can't be deactivated for this operator solely.

Execute JQL query
(all operators except ~ and !~)

The Elements Connect query is not executed when the JQL query is executed.

How it works?

Elements Connect get the field keys from the query - the value between the [] at the end of the query - and pass to Jira where it is used in the Lucene query.

i.e.: "Elements Connect field" = "Hello world [10001]"

in this example, the field key used in search is 10001 .

If the operand 2 does not contains square brackets [], Connect uses the entire value in the search.

i.e.: "Elements Connect field" = "10001"

in this example, the field key used in search is 10001 .

Execute JQL query
(~ and !~ operators)

(see below)

  1. Elements Connect execute the search query
  2. generate display templates on the entire result set
  3. filter display templates generated during step 2, based on the operand 2
    Apply a "contains" search (* is implicit)

How can we handle the different contexts in the search query?

We can get the current context from a velocity variable (i.e.: $context) and explain in the documentation which variable is available for each context. Example:

    ## Available variables: 
    ## - $issue
    ## - $userInput
    ## - $currentCustomfieldValue
#elseif($ == $context.SEARCH_BASIC_GENERATE_JQL_QUERY)
    ## Available variables: 
    ## - $issue
    ## - $currentCustomfieldValue
    ## Available variables: 
    ## - $issue
    ## - $userInput
#elseif($ == $context.SEARCH_ADVANCED_TILDE_SEARCH)
    ## Available variables: 
    ## - $issue

Dependencies on $issue limitations

Only attributes set in the search bar are available

Attributes not set are evaluated to an empty string.


JQL query$issue.project value
Elements Connect-field =empty
project = ABC and Elements Connect-field=ABC
project = ABC OR project = BCD and Elements Connect-field=ABC, BCD
project in (ABC, BCD) and Elements Connect-field=ABC, BCD

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.