Configure an operation
Learn how to configure operations, which will allow you to automatically create and link issues.
This section explains how to configure an Element Copy & Sync operation, which will allow you to automatically create and link issues.
An operation has the following b
asic properties:
Name : the name of the operation.
Enabled / Disabled : You can globally disable an operation. When disabled, the operation is not displayed to the end-user and never executed, but you can still configure it.
The name of the operation is used for admin display (administration page and logs). It is also used to display the operation to the end user but you can override this (see the labels below in the display section).
An operation can be entirely set up thanks to three configuration tabs :
Display tab
Activation tab
Target tab
Display tab
The display tab allows you to control how the operation will be displayed in the issue view:

Display : These options allow you to control where the operation should display. You can select one, both or none of the following options
issue actions menu : Select this option to display the operation in the issue actions menu
issue panel : Select this option to display the operation in a specific Elements Copy & Sync panel in the issue.
If you plan to use your operation in an Elements Copy & Sync post function and you do not want it to display in the issue, leave both display checkboxes unchecked.
Weight : This reflects the relative 'importance' of an operation. In case when you limited the number of operations to display in the global display settings, operations with the highest weight are retained in priority. Leave empty if not sure.
Labels : You can translate your operation name here. When a translation for a language is not defined, the default language is used.
Track issue creations : These options allow you to automatically post comments when the operation is performed so as to leave a trace of the action.
Post comment in parent issue : a comment is posted in the source issue when the copy is performed. This comment contains the issue key of the created issue.
Post a comment in child issue : a comment is posted in the newly created issue. This comment contains the issue key of the parent issue.
Limited scope
The "Track issue creations" option is only available for local operations. It is not possible to track issue creations this way when creating issues on a remote Jira.
Activation tab
The activation allows you to control in which context the operation is active. If an operation is not active, it will not be displayed nor execute in a post function.

JQL filter : the issue in context must match the JQL condition for the operation to be active. You can use this to limit the operation to a subset of projects for example.
Elements Copy & Sync post function and JQL condition
When used with an Elements Copy & Sync post function in a create transition, the Elements Copy & Sync post function must be placed after the 'Creates the issue originally'.
The JQL cannot be evaluated if the issue is not created.
Run query in specific projects: This option is meant to be used only when the JQL filter contains a very complex query which takes a lot of time to be processed.
In this case, you can select a liste of Jira projects with this option to perform a pre-check on the query : the first check will be done to see if the current issue belongs to one of the selected project, the second check will simply run the JQL. This way, the complex query will not be run if the project doesn't match the current issue, thus improving performances.
Beware of inconsistent configuration
The "Run query in specific projects" option will always be run before the JQL. This means that if you select "ProjectA" in the select box, and if your JQL contains "project = ProjectB", your JQL will be ignored and the operation will not be available anywhere.
Conditions on current user : This section allows you to define specific permissions on the user, group or role who is executing the operation.
In a workflow post function, this applies to the user executing the issue transition.
If you define a JQL and a permission conditions, both must match for the operation to be active.
Target tab
The target of an operation represents what will be created or updated by this operation.

Elements Copy & Sync can create or update issues on JIRA or pages on Confluence. To define the operation target, you need to select the target Server first.
At first, only the 'local JIRA' server is available. This is just fine, this represents the JIRA instance you are currently working on and it will always be available.
How to have more server options displayed ?
If you want more options here, you will need to define an application link to another JIRA or Confluence instance. This is explained in Remote instance
Depending on you case please refer to the following configuration page :